Sustanon 250, like all anabolic steroids, is surrounded by secrets, some myths and ancient stereotyped judgments. Although the professional opinion of it, too, cannot be called unambiguous. Athletes who have experienced the cycle of Sustanon, divided into two groups of enthusiastic admirers and adamant opponents. Until you have joined any of them, we’ll immediately say that a high result is achieved by those athletes who do not neglect medical opinion and comply with the recommended dosage. So what is the secret of Sustanon 250? In a multicomponent composition of four testosterone esters, each of which differs in the duration of action on the athlete’s body. It is the lethal effect of testosterone that attracts increased interest in it. You will be amazed at the sustanon 250 results that it can provide. Granted, you have to be willing to do your share of the training and eating healthy to change your body for the better!
How did the Sustanon 250 come about?
Initially, the Organon American pharmaceutical company had the task of creating a powerful, easy-to-use anabolic steroid for medical use, and not for athletes. In the early 70s of the 20th century, Sustanon 250 was obtained – a drug that combines the four testosterone esters:
- 30 mg of Testosterone propionate – the fastest ether, which begins to act immediately after administration;
- 60 mg of testosterone phenylpropionate – a moderate ester necessary to maintain a high level of testosterone for 9 days;
- 60 mg of Testosterone isocaproate – acts similarly to phenylpropionate, enhancing the activity of the drug;
- 100 mg of Testosterone Decanoate – a long ether that is excreted from the body for a long time, valid for a month.
The numerical value in the name of the product is due to the fact that 1 ml of the oil solution contains exactly 250 mg of active testosterone.
Despite the fact that Sustanon was created in the USA, it was there that it was soon banned for medical use. The West European market met the new drug positively. In the years 1980 through 1990, it spread among athletes involved in power sports – weightlifting, powerlifting, bodybuilding. At the same time, a lot of medical observations and experiments are being conducted. According to their results, whole scientific works on the benefits of using sustanon 250 injection have been published.
And today Sustanon remains a fairly popular drug among athletes. With its help, the desired results are achieved by increasing muscle mass. More often than others, Sustanon 250 is used by beginners who are still unfamiliar with anabolic steroids. And we consider it to be a safe steroid for beginners specifically because it is a mix of Testosterones.
The development of pharmacology does not stop, but in most countries it remains one of the best anabolic steroids for hormone replacement therapy and testosterone replacement therapy.
The action of Sustanon in the body – what happens
Nobody argues with the vital role of testosterone. It is the most valuable endogenous hormone, without which the normal physiological formation of male genital organs, genital glands and secondary sexual characteristics is impossible.

In general, male strength depends on the concentration of testosterone throughout the entire life cycle. From early childhood, it affects the normal functioning of the testicles. Along with the onset of puberty, testosterone affects the level of sexual desire, the degree of erectile function, well-being and mood. The hormone is essential for the normal functioning of the seminal vesicles and prostate gland. Testosterone plays a key role in how the body is able to function, the overall tone or mood of an individual and the energy used throughout the entire course of the day.
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Testicular dysfunction in men is expressed in reduced secretion of sex hormones, their deficiency in the body. With the treatment of Sustanon 250 in the blood plasma, the levels of testosterone, estradiol, dihydrotestosterone, androstenedione are significantly increased. At the same time, there is a noticeable decrease in the concentration of globulin, which is able to bind sex hormones. The hematopoietic system responds to the drug by increasing the parameters of hemoglobin and hematocrit. In terms of liver enzymes, negative changes are not observed, and the content of the prostatic specific antigen does not change.
Under the influence of Sustanon 250, there is a decrease in signs of testosterone deficiency. Anabolic reduces body weight in men who are obese of varying severity. With diabetes, it increases insulin sensitivity, reduces the concentration of glucose in the blood. With additional research methods, it is possible to determine an increase in muscle mass and mineral density of the bone skeleton. Although we say that Sustanon 250 is a mix of 4 types of Testosterone, using ANY anabolic steroid can lower the body’s production of natural testosterone. Maybe not for years down the road but it is still something worse telling users about.
Sustanon 250 helps to restore sexual function, normalize erection, increase libido. In some cases, the use of the drug can cause an enlargement of the prostate gland, which however does not lead to any physiological dysfunctions.
Steroid Activity Sustanon 250
- pharmacological group – a steroid of anabolic androgenic origin;
- drug activity – up to 21 days;
- form of application – injection;
- recommended dosage – men from 500 to 1000 mg per week, the drug is not typically recommended for women, but can be used by some;
- development of acne and/or oily skin – yes;
- water retention – yes in some cases (depends on a host of other things);
- increase in blood pressure –yes but varies from person to person;
- hepatotoxicity – absent;
- estrogenic activity (aromatase) – very pronounced;
- dehydrotestosterone conversion (DHT) – expressed;
- production of own testosterone, decrease in HPTA action – strongly depressing;
- anabolic intensification – 100%;
- androgenic intensification – 100%;
- detection period – 4 months.
The period of detection of the drug significantly depends on whether the athlete takes phenobarbital or furosemide for its early elimination. This detection time also plays a key role in those who compete in competitions, events or meets that are drug tested.
Benefits of Using Sustanon
The multicomponent anabolic steroid drug Sustanon 250 has the following positive effects on the body:
- Growth or increased muscle mass in a fairly fast time – about 6 kg in 4 weeks. A small muscle volume is successfully balanced by a minimal pullback phenomenon.
- Active production of structural proteins.
- Slows down the breakdown of complex protein compounds.
- Saturation of tissues of internal organs with oxygen due to increased blood flow.
- The dynamism of the mechanism of hematopoiesis, a stimulus for the synthesis of red blood cells.
- Increased appetite due to increased daily needs of the body for proteins and carbohydrates.
- Mobility and joint health. Observed as a result of some water retention in the body. The opposite effect – a decrease in the amount of collagen, can lead to too long intake of Sustanon 250.
- Retains the resulting muscle volume for a rather long time. This helps to plan longer strength training.
- Increased libido while running a cycle of Sustanon 250;
- Increases physical stamina.
- Significantly improves power performance. This is an important quality for weightlifters, powerlifters, who must take a large load while maintaining their own weight parameters.
- Improving the overall psychological and emotional background is expressed in improving mood, strengthening feelings of confidence, interest in further training.
The need to take Sustanon 250
As a medicine, Sustanon is prescribed by a doctor exclusively to men after appropriate diagnosis. The medical conditions for using the drug are the following conditions:
- impotence of endocrine origin;
- androgen insolvency after castration;
- hypopituitarism – a disease in which the levels of pituitary hormones are significantly reduced;
- eunuchoidism, during which the secretion of the sex glands is reduced or completely absent;
- decreased sex drive;
- exhaustion of intellectual and physical activity;
- primary or secondary insufficiency of testicular function;
- osteoporosis developed as a result of androgen deficiency.

Prohibitions on the use of Sustanon
The drug Sustanon 250 is quite powerful, has pronounced testosterone qualities. In this regard, taking the drug has a number of absolute contraindications:
- individual intolerance to the active component;
- time of pregnancy and breastfeeding;
- diabetes;
- cardiovascular failure in the acute period;
- renal or liver failure during an exacerbation.
There are also relative contraindications. In some conditions, Sustanon 250 can be taken with caution or under strict medical supervision:
- puberty in boys, monitor the function of the pineal glands in order to prevent premature puberty;
- prostate hypertrophy with symptoms of urinary retention;
- obesity;
- respiratory arrest in a dream;
- chronic diseases of internal organs;
- pathology of the respiratory system.
Side effects that may be encountered
Exceeding the allowable dosage, too long a cycle of administration and small breaks between cycles can cause negative symptoms and even dangerous diseases. This may not be the case for every steroid user and has a lot to do with the overall health of the individual. There are people who run steroid cycles for years and will NEVER develop any negative side effects or diseases, but we feel you should be aware of what can occur over time with excessive, irresponsible use of anabolics:
- the development of neoplasms of a different nature (polyps, cysts, tumors);
- prostate cancer;
- skin itching, acne;
- peripheral edema;
- polycythemia, hypercalcemia;
- nausea, vomiting, diarrhea;
- high blood pressure, occasionally before a hypertensive crisis;
- myalgia;
- liver dysfunction;
- mental, emotional disturbances, depression, nervous excitability, mood swings;
- development of the mammary glands according to the female type, oligospermia, decreased libido, priapism;
- prostatic hypertrophy.
Which Sustanon 250 cycle to choose – professional advice
Typically, professionals who have been in the game for years know what they are doing and don’t seek the advice or help of a licensed physician (their doctor). But, this at times can be helpful for newbies that have an open relationship with their medical/family doctor. It may be an experienced specialist who has long been working with athletes who use anabolic steroids in their careers. The cycle is selected individually, in accordance with the goals.
Sustanon 250 solo cycle for mass
Suitable for beginners and athletes who have previously taken steroid substances. During use, there is a rapid increase in muscle mass, accelerates tissue repair, increases strength and physical endurance. In tissues, oxygen nutrition is enhanced, sexual desire is increased.
Course duration – 8 weeks.
In the period from the 1st to the 8th week, Sustanon 250 is injected 1 ml twice a week (for example, Monday, Thursday).
From the 6th to the 8th week, Proviron is added in a dosage of 1 tablet every day. It inhibits the production of female estrogen, which promotes fluid retention and provokes the development of gynecomastia (also called man boobs).
For post-cycle therapy, after two weeks, Clomid begins to take 1 tablet per day, for 3 weeks.
The stacked cycle on muscle mass and strength:
The course allows for 3.5 months to increase muscle mass up to 20lbs, and increase strength dramatically:
Cycle duration – 14 weeks:
- 1-2 weeks: Sustanon – 250 mg weekly + Methandrostenolone – 20 mg every day;
- 3-4 weeks: Sustanon – 500 mg weekly + Methandrostenolone – 40 mg every day;
- 5-6 weeks: Sustanon – 750 mg weekly + Methandrostenolone – 60 mg every day;
- 7-8 weeks: Sustanon – 500 mg weekly + Methandrostenolone – 40 mg every day;
- 9-10 weeks: Sustanon – 250 mg weekly + Methandrostenolone – 20 mg every day;
- 11-12 weeks – Methandrostenolone – 20 mg every day;
- 13-14 weeks – Gonadotropin – 4 ml per week.
Stacked cutting cycle
The cycle makes it possible to gain first-class muscle mass completely without fat. It can provide the appearance of amazing vascularity and pronounced muscle definition and tone:
Cycle duration – 16 weeks:
- 1 week: Sustanon – 250 mg per week + Nandrolone – 200 mg per week;
- 2 weeks: Sustanon – 500 mg per week + Nandrolone – 300 mg per week;
- 3-6 weeks: Sustanon – 500 mg per week + Nandrolone – 200 mg per week;
- 7-9 weeks: Sustanon – 250 mg per week + Nandrolone – 100 mg per week;
- 10 week: Primobolan – 100 mg per week + Winstrol – 100 mg per week;
- 11-15 weeks: Primobolan – 150 mg per week + Winstrol – 200 mg per week;
- Week 16: Primobolan – 100 mg per week + Winstrol – 100 mg per week.
Winstrol is excellent for the cutting phase because it sucks the excess fluid from the body and promotes defined muscles. Nandrolone will contribute to a persistent set of muscle volume.
After a cycle of Sustanon 250, Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) in the form of Clomid or Tamoxifen is recommended. The start of post-cycle therapy is advisable 3 weeks after the last injection. You can add testosterone boosters. Gonadotropin is necessary if the cycle of Sustanon exceeds 8 weeks.
Stacked cycle for experienced steroid users:
The cycle promotes active burning of fat and significantly increases muscle volume.
Cycle duration – 8 weeks.
- Sustanon is injected at 250 mg once every three days throughout the cycle;
- Methane – taken for the first 4 weeks of the cycle a 40 mg every day;
- Stanozolol begins on the 26th day at 40 mg per day, for 15 days;
- Anastrozole – throughout the course of 0.5 -1 tablets every other day.
This cycle is acceptable for experienced rockers who know what periods of rest need to be observed between cycles, how to normalize their own hormonal background. For a beginner, such a scheme will be too rigid with a high probability of a side effect.

After 7 days from the last injection, Clomid administration begins. The first 3-5 days, the drug is taken 4 tablets per day, then for 16 days – ½ tablets per day.
Sustanon 250 for women
The drug Sustanon 250 may be taken by women with extreme caution. Some say this steroid should be forbidden for women’s use because of the high risk of developing virilization and severe side effects. But like men, not all women will develop or experience negative side effects. Know your body and assess your own tolerance level. Doses for women are typically lower than men’s doses. Adjust accordingly. Experienced female athletes, who decide on a cycle with the aim of increasing muscle volume, gaining a venous pattern will use Sustanon 250. Duration of Sustanon for women should not be more than 6-8 weeks.
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Duration of Sustanon for women should not be more than 6 weeks. The drug is taken in a dose of 250 mg per week. Women are strictly prohibited to combine Sustanon with other anabolic steroids.
How to inject Sustanon
At first glance, it seems that there is nothing easier than an injection. Sustanon is not so simple. The drug is an oily solution that must be administered only intramuscularly. It is better not to inject the drug into the shoulder, biceps or thigh. The gluteus muscle is the perfect place for injection – the safest place. The ideal injection site is chosen by the user, typically.
For an injection, it is best to choose a 5 ml syringe, they have a fairly long needle, which contributes to the deep introduction of anabolic. 2 ml syringes with a shorter needle. In this case, it must be entered the entire length. Before administration, the steroid vial is heated in the hands or armpit. A drug having a body temperature is evenly absorbed in the muscle fibers. In the case of the introduction of a cold solution, there is a risk of it hardening in the muscle – a rather painful bump is formed. Sometimes surgical intervention is required – the resulting conglomerate is excised and the wound is sutured. Always as a friend or someone you trust to administer your injections if you feel too nervous. You can also stand in front of a mirror and watch exactly what you are doing as you push the solution into your body.
Features of post-cycle therapy
In order to optimize the action of Sustanon 250, it is advisable to follow the recommendations in the period after the course. Not earlier than 2-3 weeks after the last injection, certain drugs should be taken:
- 1 Anastrozole, Letrozole – are appropriate to prevent the occurrence of side effects in the form of increased production of estrogen.
- 2 Tamoxifen – has an antitumor effect.
- 3 Testosterone boosters based on Tribulus, Ecdysterone.
- 4 Vitamin E.
- 5 Zinc preparations – “Zincovit”, “Bio zinc”.
- 6 Hepatoprotectors – “Heptral”, “Corsal”.
- 7 Cholagogue – “Alkohol”, “Cholenzym”.
- 8 Omega-3 (fish oil).
Be sure to use a sufficient amount of sports nutrition. Compliance with the recommendations allows you to protect liver cells from possible damage.
Instead of conclusions
Sustanon 250 is a popular anabolic steroid that is completely safe for humans, subject to the recommendations of a doctor. Before deciding to use it, it is necessary to evaluate the expected results and take into account the risk of negative effects. If you definitely decided to start the cycle of Sustanon, seriously approach the choice of the finished drug. Do not chase for cheap options, often they turn out to be low-quality fakes. Pay attention to the packaging, protective labeling, the presence of a hologram.
It is worthwhile to familiarize yourself with the opinions of those athletes who have already used the drug in a sports career. The main task is not only to increase muscle volume, relief, but also to maintain health.
This steroid has the ability to help transform the body when combined or stacked with other powerful anabolic agents. Diet and exercise must be followed strictly if the goal is to become massive or extremely shredded or lean!