In the world of bodybuilding, many people ask, “Which steroid is the strongest?” or “Which steroid is the safest?” These are common questions, but the answer isn’t straightforward. Several factors affect a steroid’s strength and safety for each user, making it a complex topic.
A steroid’s strength depends on things like its androgenic and anabolic ratio, the individual’s genetic response to the compound, how sensitive they are to estrogenic and DHT related effects, and whether they’re using other steroids.
In this article, we will take a deeper look into these factors, so you can understand the strength of each steroid a little more, and help you decide which is best for you and your goals.
What Can Affect the Strength of Steroids?
Before we delve into the strength of steroids, it’s crucial to consider a few key factors that can influence their effectiveness. Factors like gender, how you take them, whether it’s through intramuscular or subcutaneous methods, and your sensitivity to estrogenic or DHT-based steroids can all impact a steroid’s strength and the outcomes it delivers.
Understanding these variables is essential to making informed choices about the right steroids for your goals, ensuring you achieve the results you desire.
Steroid Potency Based on Gender
The strength of a steroid can vary significantly depending on the gender of the user, females are far more sensitive to the effects of anabolic steroids than males are. Take Winstrol, for example; it’s considered a potent steroid for female users, yet it’s typically regarded as mild when used by males. This gender-based variation in effectiveness is also true when it comes to the dosage used.
Dosages for Women vs Men
For female users, a common dose of Anavar is around 10mg per day, delivering effective results while also minimizing the risk of side effects. However, for male users, such a dose would be far too low to produce noticeable effects. In the case of men, a low dose typically starts at around 50mg per day and can go as high as 100mg per day, highlighting the importance steroids for sale uk of tailoring steroid use to one’s gender and individual needs. Understanding these gender and dosage differences is crucial for optimizing the benefits and minimizing potential risks associated with steroid use.
How Administration Methods Affect Steroid Strength
The method you choose to administer a steroid can significantly influence its potency. This is because it affects how quickly the body absorbs the steroid. Depending on how your body reacts to these administration methods, you might not absorb the full dose of the steroid you’ve taken.
IM vs Sub Q Injections
Intramuscular injection is a popular choice due to its efficient absorption rates. However, this doesn’t mean Subcutaneous (Sub Q) administration isn’t effective. It’s essential to keep in mind that if your body can’t absorb the entire dose, even missing just 10-20% can impact the strength of the compound and the effectiveness of the dose. So, the administration method you choose can have a substantial impact on the overall strength and effectiveness of the steroid.
Sensitivity to Estrogen
The way your body reacts to estrogen plays a crucial role in determining the strength of a steroid. Let’s take Testosterone as an example. When this steroid is used, it undergoes a process called aromatization, converting into estradiol, which is a form of estrogen. The frequency at which this conversion occurs can vary from person to person. Some individuals are more prone to experiencing estrogenic side effects due to this conversion.
Estrogen Sensitivity on Anabolic Strength
So, how does this sensitivity to estrogen impact a steroid’s strength? Well, someone who is highly sensitive to estrogenic side effects might not reap the same benefits from a dose of Testosterone because it converts into estrogen at a higher rate, leading to more unwanted estrogenic side effects and fewer anabolic muscle-building effects. In such cases, individuals sensitive to estrogen may need to use a higher dose to achieve the same results as someone less sensitive, however, it is also important to understand that a higher dose will also increase the risk of side effects. Understanding your body’s estrogenic response is crucial in optimizing the effectiveness of the steroid you choose.
Sensitivity of Androgen Receptors
Androgen Receptors play a huge role in the strength of a steroid, those with more sensitive androgen receptors will be able to utilize the dose of steroids they administer much better than those with less sensitive receptors. Many things can impact how well your androgen receptors regulate and use hormones, such as medication, previous steroid use, and genetics.
Avoiding Androgen Receptor Sensitivity
One of the most common issues comes from previous steroid use. Those who use higher doses and larger stacks early on are at a higher risk of overloading their androgen receptors. This is why it is advised to start your cycles with a low dose of Testosterone and slowly build up over time. Those who have overloaded their androgen receptors will not get the full benefits of a dose. For example, 500mg of Testosterone would provide far less results for them than it would for a beginner.
Sensitivity to Dihydrotestosterone
Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is another hormone that Testosterone can convert into. In most individuals, an enzyme called 5-alpha reductase in the body converts a small portion of Testosterone into DHT. However, the rate at which this conversion occurs can vary among users. Just like with estrogenic compounds, this difference in conversion can significantly impact the potency of DHT-based steroids, such as Masteron.
DHT Sensitivity on Steroid Strength
For some users, taking Masteron in doses ranging from 400 to 600mg per week has provided disappointing results. This is because the conversion of Testosterone to DHT varies, and for these individuals, the expected benefits may not materialize. Understanding this variability in conversion rates is essential when considering the effectiveness of DHT-based steroids.
Anabolic – Androgenic Strength Profiles
One way to gauge the relative strength of anabolic steroids is through the Androgenic to Anabolic ratio. This method provides a means to compare the androgenic and anabolic effects of different steroids. However, it’s essential to keep in mind that these numerical ratios are more of a guideline than an absolute measure of a steroid’s strength. It’s not as simple as a higher ratio equating to a significantly stronger steroid.
Testosterone vs Trenbolone
For instance, Testosterone is rated at 100/100, while Trenbolone boasts a 500/500 rating. But this doesn’t mean Trenbolone is five times more potent or will produce five times the results of Testosterone. The Androgenic to Anabolic ratio serves as a useful tool to get a general sense of a steroid’s profile. In the guide below, we will provide an overview of these Androgenic to Anabolic profiles.
Injectable Steroids Compared
Boldenone (Equipoise or EQ): Anabolic; 100 – Androgenic; 50
Drostanolone (Masteron): Anabolic; 62-130 – Androgenic; 25-40
Methenolone (Primobolan): Anabolic; 88 – Androgenic; 44-57
Nandrolone (Deca/NPP): Anabolic; 125 – Androgenic; 37
Stanozolol (Injectable Winstrol): Anabolic; 320 – Androgenic; 30
Testosterone: Anabolic; 100 – Androgenic; 100
Trenbolone: Anabolic; 500 – Androgenic; 500
Oral Steroids Compared
Fluoxymesterone (Halotestin): Anabolic; 1,900 – Androgenic; 850
Methyldrostanolone (Superdrol): Anabolic; 400 – Androgenic; 20
Metandienone (Dianabol): Anabolic; 90-210 – Androgenic; 40-60
Oxandrolone (Anavar): Anabolic; 322-630 – Androgenic; 24
Oxymetholone (Anadrol): Anabolic; 320 – Androgenic; 45
Stanozolol (Oral Winstrol): Anabolic; 320 – Androgenic; 30
Chlorodehydromethyltestosterone (Turinabol): Anabolic; 54 – Androgenic; 6
As you can see from this list, these numbers all vary, Halotestin is a prime example of this, with a rating significantly higher than Testosterone, however, it is not as popular as Testosterone for muscle-building purposes.
Which Steroids are the Strongest?

As mentioned above, there are no absolutes when it comes to which steroid is the strongest, many steroids will be considered ‘strong’ for a variety of reasons, however, from user experience, there are some that are commonly considered to be stronger than others. Some of the more potent options are:
Trenbolone: is considered to be a very strong steroid for many reasons, one of them is due to its potent anabolic effects, it promotes great muscle growth and tissue repair. It also has very notable androgenic effects, making it a great option for those looking to increase their strength. It also has strong fat burning capabilities, allowing users to burn through unwanted body fat while reaping its anabolic and androgenic benefits.
Nandrolone: is another steroid considered to have stronger effects. Some of the reasons for this are its ability to increase red blood cell count, which leads to better oxygen carrying in the body, which helps to improve endurance. It is also highly anabolic, so it is a potent muscle builder. It is also known to improve joint health, making it a strong choice for strength athletes.
Halotestin: Although not favored for its muscle building capabilities, Halo is considered to be a very strong steroid for other reasons. First of all, it has a short half-life, meaning the effects of it are felt very quickly. It can also help to create a dry and lean-looking physique, making it useful for bodybuilders close to stepping on stage. The main reason for this strong reputation is the high androgenic activity that comes with Halo. It is known for its incredible increases in strength, aggression, and overall performance. It is extremely popular among powerlifters and strength athletes.
Which Steroids are the Safest?

Like a steroid’s strength, its safety for each user will also depend on several factors. However, there are a handful of steroids that are generally well-tolerated by most users. Some steroids that are considered the safest options are:
Anavar: is well-known in the steroid industry for being one of the mildest steroids. Although, it has 3-6 times the anabolic rating of testosterone, its androgenic effect is extremely low. This makes it a good steroid for most women to take without experiencing a long list of masculinizing effects. It is often named the “female steroid” because of this. But the steroid also has benefits for men. As well as the fact that it doesn’t aromatize into estrogen, it is also largely non-suppressive on natural testosterone production. This means most men won’t even require a PCT after an Anavar-only cycle.
Turinabol: from looking at itsanabolic-androgenic steroid profile, you can tell why Turinabol is considered a mild steroid. Although it is not generally advised for women since it is derived from testosterone, with 50% of the anabolic strength and 6% of the androgenic strength of testosterone, Turinabol is said to be one of the safer options for men in terms of side effects.
Andriol: this isTestosterone Undecanoate in oral form. However, unlike most oral steroids, Andriol is not 17α-alkylated and therefore has very little hepatoxicity, meaning it is likely the safest oral steroid for the liver. Although this oral method of administration reduces the bioavailability of testosterone substantially, taking Andriol capsules over testosterone injections reduces the occurrence of estrogen-related side effects and eliminates the risk of injection-related side effects.
Fake or Counterfeit Steroids
Steroids are commonly used in the fitness industry, but a concerning issue has emerged – the rise of counterfeit and ‘legal’ alternatives that bear the names of real steroids. This complicates the assessment of a steroid’s strength.
The Varying Strength of Steroid Copies
Counterfeit steroids are often mislabeled regarding their dosage. For instance, you might purchase what’s labeled as Testosterone Enanthate dosed at 250mg/ml, only to discover that it only contains a mere 100mg/ml. This lower dosing can lead to a misunderstanding of a steroid’s potency. You may think a 500mg dose is inadequate, when, in reality, it’s equivalent to just 200mg.
Real Steroids vs Natural Alternatives
On the other hand, ‘legal’ alternative steroids are becoming more prevalent online. They adopt names identical to or the same as popular anabolic steroids to attract attention. These supplements are typically created from plant-based ingredients and common vitamins and minerals that you will find in your local supermarket. However, they offer minimal to no performance-enhancing benefits. Their presence has generated confusion among users when evaluating a steroid’s strength.
For example, if someone opts for a ‘legal’ alternative to Anavar, they may experience no benefits. This misunderstanding can lead the user to underestimate the strength of Anavar. In truth, a 50mg daily dose of genuine Anavar delivers far superior results and proves significantly more potent than any ‘legal’ alternative.
The Negative Effect of Fake Anabolic Steroids
Fake steroids are becoming a far larger concern in the world of steroids. The unfortunate reality that the product you receive may be entirely different from what you believe it to be can also have a negative impact on how you view the strength of a steroid. A classic example of this issue is Primobolan. Obtaining the genuine ingredients for this steroid can be quite challenging, and it has become a very expensive steroid due to this. This has made it a frequent target for counterfeiting so untrustworthy suppliers can save a bit of money.
The problem here is that what you think is Primobolan might be a completely different steroid, or even worse, it could contain harmful ingredients that do little more than trigger negative side effects. The presence of an entirely different hormone in the ingredients can radically alter the steroid’s potency.
Fake Primobolan vs Real Dianabol
For example, some oral forms of what’s supposed to be Primobolan have been discovered to include cheaper compounds such as Dianabol, which is a considerably more potent steroid. Consequently, the results you experience will differ significantly from what you expect. This can mislead users into believing that Primobolan is one of the stronger steroids when, actually, it’s generally regarded as one of the milder options available.
This rise of fake, badly replicates and ‘legal’ alternatives in the market requires vigilance and informed choices to ensure users have a clear understanding of the true strength and effectiveness of the steroids they select.
Steroid Comparison Conclusion
In the complicated world of steroid strength, one thing becomes abundantly clear – there are no easy answers. The effectiveness of a steroid depends on a variety of factors, from an individual’s gender and sensitivity to their chosen administration method. Understanding the intricate differences of these elements is key to making informed choices when it comes to steroids, ensuring you achieve the results you desire while minimizing potential risks.
The continued rise of counterfeit steroids and ‘legal’ alternatives only serves to complicate this topic further, making it crucial for users to remain vigilant and informed. Ensuring you have a clear understanding of the true strength and effectiveness of the steroids you select is vital. Remember, in this journey toward your fitness goals, knowledge is power, and the more you know about your body and how it interacts with these compounds, the better you can utilize these compounds to their fullest effect.
Winstrol for Women
Intramuscular vs Subcutaneous injections
Estrogen in Men
Androgen Receptors
Dihydrotestosterone (DHT)
Anabolic Androgenic Steroid Ratios
Trenbolone Potency
Nandrolone Strength
Potency of Halotestin
Safety of Anavar
Medical Use of Testosterone-Based Steroids
Safety of Testosterone Undecanoate