How to Perform Lower Chest Workout at home

Jason Williams

How to pump the lower pectoral muscles? This question should not be a problem for those engaged in bodybuilding, because the primary task at this stage is to strengthen the body and prepare the base for building muscles. In the first months of pumping the lower chest, it is completely optional to do isolation exercises. When you become stronger, you can work separate parts of each muscle to achieve the maximum desired result. Below we give some recommendations for the development of the lower chest at home and in the gym.

We will consider a workout at home and in any gym with low horizontal bars. First, we will tell you how to pump up the lower part of the chest with push-ups. This is the most effective exercise, since it does not require a special body position, in which your head is below your legs. Many recommend special stops for push-ups – we agree with them, because the option with books is not the best idea.

We will be engaged at home and in any gym where there are low horizontal bars. First, we will tell you how to pump up the lower part of the chest using push-ups. This is the most effective option, since it does not require a special body position, in which your head is below your legs. Many recommend special stops for push-ups – we agree with them, because the option with books is not the best idea.

Lower chest push-ups on books

This option is convenient because we can change the height of the stands. And it’s inconvenient (very) that books can fly out of hand. As a result, you can fall face down. It looks funny, but it often hurts. Back to the technique:

  1. Put a couple of books, rest against them with our hands. Legs are straight and stand at a distance of 10-15 cm from each other. Hands are shoulder-width apart.
  2. Go down as low as possible.
  3. At the lowest point, you can stop and freeze for 2-3 seconds for maximum chest weight.
  4. Do 3–4 sets of 15 reps without weight and 6–8 reps with weights.

We do not recommend pushing up with weights on books – it hurts to fall.

Why are books needed? It is necessary that at the final lower point the body should be above the legs. With this arrangement, the chest begins to weight from below.

Push-ups on special platforms

It is done exactly the same as on books. A huge advantage is that you will not fall. The technique is the same.

Dips on benches

This is the best option for the lower chest to work. It is both convenient and safe.

We rest our hands on the bench (the fingers are directed inward and forward), the legs are slightly apart. Push up to touch the bench with the body. Here you can use weights.


Before the bars, we recommend stretching with push-ups from the floor – 10-15 times. It is recommended to do push-ups this way:

  1. Arms wide apart. If the bars are not sliding, then we place our elbows to the sides. We do not make any “boats” here. Slouch a little to round the back and begin smooth up and down movement. Elbows do not need to be fully extended.
  2. We do 10–12 repetitions in 3 sets without weight or 6–8 repetitions with weight.

Workout on the horizontal bar

A very interesting and difficult exercise that helps in practicing the element “two-handed force output.” If you pull yourself well, you can do it on a regular horizontal bar. If not yet, it is better to choose a low horizontal bar so that it is at the level of your head:

  1. We take a horizontal bar with a grip, hands at a distance of 20-25 cm from each other.
  2. We jump and stand on the horizontal bar in straight arms. The pelvis rests on the crossbar.
  3. We bend forward a little and begin to lower, pushing our elbows apart. Fall as low as possible, and then return to the original position.
  4. Repeat the exercise 6-8 times.

Before the exercise, it is recommended to push up from the bench 10-15 times. Practice has shown that not every beginner will perform such an exercise. So try it.

Lower chest exercises in the gym

We have the following exercises at our disposal:

  • tilt dumbbell press (legs above the head);
  • tilt barbell press (legs above the head);
  • flattening of the arms in a crossover (arms below the chest);
  • again the bars.

Incline Dumbbell and Barbell Press

To be honest, the dumbbell press is performed in the same way as the barbell press, so we will analyze both exercises here. We will need a Swedish wall and an inclined bench, which can be mounted on this wall at any angle. Hang the bench 30 degrees down.

  1. Take 5 kg dumbbells (starting with a warm-up), leave them on the sides of the bottom of the bench.
  2. Lie down on the bench. Now hang your head down. Take the dumbbells and place them opposite you so that there is a right angle between the arms and the floor.
  3. Unfold the dumbbells as if you are holding a barbell. Lower the weight on the chest, spreading the elbows to the sides.
  4. Raise as you exhale. Do not hold your breath!

Then take working weights and do the exercise. If it’s hard for you to take the weight yourself, ask a trainer or partner. Usually one dumbbell is taken independently, and the second is taken by a partner.

If you do the exercise with a barbell – the partner must remove the barbell. He controls you for the duration of the exercise.

The lower your head, the more weight gets the right part of the chest. You can lower the bench and 45 degrees, and 60.

Arm Crossover

We will deal with the upper blocks. Hang handles convenient for one-handed grip on the ropes. Warm up with 5-10 pounds to understand the essence of the exercise and the technique of movements:

  1. Arms outstretched, grab the handles with a direct grip, palms down. Stoop a little to tighten the pectoral muscles.
  2. Take one leg back for balance. Tilt the case forward and slightly down. The loin is curved, the pelvis is laid back.
  3. We begin to bring our hands together, the cross point will be at the groin level or lower. This situation provides pumping the bottom of the pectoral muscles.
  4. Do 10 repetitions. Then hang the working weight and perform 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions.

Gym workout on bars

If you do push-ups 15–20 times, it makes no sense to work without weight:

  1. Ask the duty coach for a special weight belt.
  2. Push the bench 15 times as a warm up.
  3. Press out 5–8 times without weight (if you have enough strength and you can do many reps without weight, 10–15 times will be suitable for warming up).
  4. Hang a weight plate on a belt. Do the working set with the technique described above.

Go down as low as possible. For greater effectiveness, it is recommended to stretch on the bars before push-ups. To do this, grasp the handles in the same way as during the exercise, then gradually lower yourself, supporting the body with your feet. So you can go down deeper during the push-ups.

Lower chest workouts: how to combine exercises

How to pump the upper chest when there are so many exercises? Everything is simple – we will combine them.

Home option 1:

  1. Push-ups from a chair, bench, bedside table, sofa.
  2. Push-ups on the bars (yes, you are not mistaken, it was on the bars – you have to go to the yard or buy bars).
  3. Push-ups from stops or books on stretching.

Home option 2:

  1. Push-ups from anything.
  2. Push-ups from the horizontal bar (again, let’s go to the yard, do you want a beautiful and powerful chest?).
  3. 1 set of dips.

Option for the gym:

  1. Bench press upside down.
  2. Bars with weights.
  3. Crossover

Usually at the beginning of a chest workout there is a lying bench press. If it is, then you can do dips and finish on the chest in a crossover.

Problems and mistakes: how to avoid lower chest pain

Often we just don’t know the correct technique, so during the chest workout, we work triceps. And when we begin to train them, it turns out that there is no strength left. Similarly, with the lower pectoral muscles.

It is necessary to strictly observe the technique. And remember, every organism is individual. Over time, you will learn to feel what works for you and what does not. And you can experimentally find the right exercises that are most effective for you.

If you ignore the technique and recommendations, some difficulties may arise:

  • darkened vision;
  • tinnitus;
  • high blood pressure.

For people over 30, this is very undesirable. Therefore, you should not lower the bench below 30 degrees. You don’t need extreme conditions. It is better to exercise on the bars and in the crossover.

Checking whether you can do the bench press or not is easy. Just lie in that position for 30 seconds. Then stand up abruptly. If there are ripples in the eyes, tinnitus, dizziness, it is dangerous for you to train in this position.

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