The 6 Best Teres Major Exercises at Home

Jason Williams
teres major exercises

The Teres major muscle is a muscle of the upper back located on the shoulder blade. It is used for all types of push-ups and pull-ups. It is very important for men to have well-inflated back muscles for strength and external beauty. If you want your back to be wide and powerful, then you need to pay close attention to pumping this muscle group. This will help you with strength exercises with your own weight.

Effective Exercises for the Teres Major Muscle

Among all the other back muscles, the teres major plays an important role in the exercise of body movements. Being in the upper back, it is an active assistant in order to work the entire shoulder joint. With its help, a person can turn his or her shoulders inwards and pull it back, thereby pressing their hands to the body. Its main functions are extension, reduction and rotation of the shoulder. Thus, the muscle plays a fairly important role in the functioning of the human muscular system, which should certainly be considered when choosing exercises using your own weight.

exercises for teres major

The Teres major muscle can be well trained outside of the gym without the help of extra weight. Depending on various reasons (saving time or money, or the desire to practice in private), people can turn to such training practices as home training sessions. Selected exercises with your own weight will help you to effectively tighten and develop your muscles without visiting the gym.

Wide Grip Pull Ups

  1. In the hang on the crossbar, we have our hands placed wider than the shoulders;
  2. Do not allow complete sagging in the shoulder girdle, the muscles of the shoulder girdle should be tensed through the whole motion;
  3. With an exhalation, we pull ourselves up, bending our arms at the elbows. The broadest muscles of the back are involved on a par with the diamond-shaped ones;
  4. Slowly straighten your arms, moving back to the starting position, without completely relaxing the muscles of the shoulder girdle, as these should be kept tight.
Muscle Worked: 
- The Teres major muscles.

Wide Push Ups

  1. Take a lying position, arms straight and wider than the shoulders;
  2. With an exhalation, lower yourself, bending your arms at the elbow joints;
  3. Go down to the floor approximately at the level of the chest;
  4. With an exhalation, straighten your arms, moving to the starting position.
Muscle Worked: 
- Pectoral muscles;
- Teres major muscles.

Narrow Push Ups

  1. Take the emphasis lying down, hands are placed narrowly, bringing the palms together;
  2. Take a breath and at the same time gently descend, without sudden movements;
  3. Gently straighten your arms;
  4. For a deeper study of the pectoral muscles, the time of straightening the arms should be twice as long as the flexion for the maximized results of this exercise.
Muscle Worked: 
- Pectoral muscles;
- Teres major muscles.

Clapping Push Ups

  1. From the rest position, lie down gently, bending your arms at the elbow joints;
  2. With an exhalation and with maximum momentum, as if bouncing, push the shoulder belt off the floor;
  3. At the point of maximum lifting amplitude of the shoulder girdle, make a clap with your palms and return them to their original position;
  4. For the first-time performing push-ups with something soft underneath you are recommended, as it is better to put something soft under the chest to avoid any insult related injuries to this area.
Muscle Worked:
- Pectoral muscles;
- Teres major muscles;
- Latissimus dorsi muscles.

Straight Arm Plank

  1. The starting position of the exercise: emphasis lying with straight arms;
  2. The exercise is static and, in this position, it is necessary to be lying without performing unnecessary movements;
  3. The exercise is recommended as the final one in the complex of other exercises.
Muscle Worked:
- Abdominal external oblique muscles;
- Abs muscles;
- Gluteal muscles;
- Quadratus lumborum muscle;
- Latissimus dorsi muscles;
- Rhomboid muscles;
- Teres major muscles;
- Muscles of the thigh.

Bent Arm Plank

  1. Assume a horizontal body position with your arms bent at a right angle;
  2. Make sure that the legs and spine are on the same line throughout the entire period of the exercise;
  3. The exercise is great for completing a workout or a set of exercises related to push-ups from the floor.
Muscle Worked:
- Deltoid muscle;
- Quadratus lumborum muscles;
- Abs muscles;
- Latissimus dorsi muscles;
- Rhomboid muscles;
- Teres major muscles;
- Gluteal muscles;
- Muscles of the thigh.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Teres Major?

The Teres Major has an oblong-flat appearance and is located under the scapula and partially under the wings (latissimus dorsi muscle), from the side looking like their continuation. It is attached on one side to the shoulder blade, and on the other to the shoulder bone, which is crossed by its fibers directed to the central part of the body.

What Does the Teres Major Muscle Do?

The Teres major muscle is used in sports as an adductor, extensor, and rotator. It is useful to develop this muscle in such sports as gymnastics, swimming, skiing, volleyball, handball, tennis, rowing, rock climbing, and so on.

What Exercises Uses the Teres Major?

The following exercises use the Teres Major:

  • Wide Grip Pull Ups;
  • Wide Push Ups;
  • Narrow Push Ups;
  • Clapping Push Ups;
  • Straight Arm Plank;
  • Bent Arm Plank.
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